Definisi 'admirer'

English to English
1 a person who backs a politician or a team etc. Terjemahkan
all their supporters came out for the game
they are friends of the library
source: wordnet30
2 a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
3 someone who admires a young woman Terjemahkan
she had many admirers
source: wordnet30
4 One who admires; one who esteems or loves greatly. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
adore, admire, look up to, lover, individual, mortal, person, somebody, advocate, enthusiast, fancier, suer, suitor, wooer, venerator, anglophil,

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