Definisi 'weakness'

English to English
1 a flaw or weak point Terjemahkan
he was quick to point out his wife's failings
source: wordnet30
2 powerlessness revealed by an inability to act Terjemahkan
in spite of their weakness the group remains active
source: wordnet30
3 the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain Terjemahkan
his weakness increased as he became older
the weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed
source: wordnet30
4 the condition of being financially weak Terjemahkan
the weakness of the dollar against the yen
source: wordnet30
5 a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you Terjemahkan
he has a weakness for chocolate
source: wordnet30
6 The quality or state of being weak; want of strength or firmness; lack of vigor; want of resolution or of moral strength; feebleness. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
strength, debile, decrepit, feeble, infirm, rickety, weak, property, impotence, impotency, powerlessness, penchant, bad luck, littleness, smallness, adynamia, feebleness, tenuity, inadequacy,

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