Definisi 'synthetic'

English to English
1 involving or of the nature of synthesis (combining separate elements to form a coherent whole) as opposed to analysis Terjemahkan
limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements...that extend well beyond the limits of biology
source: wordnet30
2 systematic combining of root and modifying elements into single words Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
3 of a proposition whose truth value is determined by observation or facts Terjemahkan
`all men are arrogant' is a synthetic proposition
source: wordnet30
4 Of or pertaining to synthesis; consisting in synthesis or composition; as, the synthetic method of reasoning, as opposed to analytical. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
5 not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially Terjemahkan
man-made fibers
synthetic leather
source: wordnet30
6 artificial as if portrayed in a film Terjemahkan
a novel with flat celluloid characters
source: wordnet30
7 not genuine or natural Terjemahkan
counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic
source: wordnet30
8 a compound made artificially by chemical reactions Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
analytic, uninflected, analytical, deduction, deductive reasoning, synthesis, a posteriori, inductive, logical, logic, linguistics, chemical science, chemistry, chemical compound, compound, plasticine, phosphor, rubber, synthetic rubber, agglutinative, poly, counterfeit, imitative, artificial,

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