Definisi 'medusa'

English to English
1 (Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she was slain by Perseus Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
2 one of two forms that coelenterates take: it is the free-swimming sexual phase in the life cycle of a coelenterate; in this phase it has a gelatinous umbrella-shaped body and tentacles Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
3 The Gorgon; or one of the Gorgons whose hair was changed into serpents, after which all who looked upon her were turned into stone. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
Indonesian to Indonesian
4 makhluk wanita mengerikan, dl mitologi Yunani, yg dng sinar matanya dapat menjadikan orang yg memandangnya menjadi batu
source: kbbi3
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