Definisi 'royal'

English to English
1 of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch Terjemahkan
the royal party
the royal crest
by royal decree
a royal visit
source: wordnet30
2 established or chartered or authorized by royalty Terjemahkan
the Royal Society
source: wordnet30
3 Kingly; pertaining to the crown or the sovereign; suitable for a king or queen; regal; as, royal power or prerogative; royal domains; the royal family; royal state. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
4 being of the rank of a monarch Terjemahkan
of royal ancestry
princes of the blood royal
source: wordnet30
5 belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler Terjemahkan
golden age of imperial splendor
purple tyrant
regal attire
treated with royal acclaim
the royal carriage of a stag's head
source: wordnet30
6 invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown Terjemahkan
the royal (or crowned) heads of Europe
source: wordnet30
7 a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
8 stag with antlers of 12 or more branches Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
9 Printing and writing papers of particular sizes. See under paper, n. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
10 A royal spade. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
Indonesian to Indonesian
11 berlebih-lebihan (dl mengeluarkan uang, dl makan minum); melampaui batas: walaupun ia berada, hidupnya tidak --;
be·ro·yal-ro·yal v membuang-buang uang dsb untuk bersenang-senang; berfoya-foya: waktu ada uang hidup ~ , saat uang habis menangis;
ro·yal-ro·yal·an a sangat berlebih-lebihan; sangat melampaui batas: efisiensi berarti juga mencegah dan menghindarkan pemborosan dan ~;
ke·ro·yal·an n perihal royal; keborosan: akibat ~ nya, kini mereka hidup sengsara
source: kbbi3
More Word(s)
beroyal-royal, membuang-buang, membelanjakan, menghabiskan, keroyalan, keborosan, royal-royalan, boros, konsumtif, porah, emperor, purple, crowned head, monarch, sovereign, royal family, royal house, stag, canvas, canvass, sail, sheet, crowned, noble,
Related Word(s)
beroyal-royal, keroyalan, royal-royalan, royal,

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